Saturday 26 August 2023

Flower Festival

It's the Flower Festival at St Laurence's Church and the Bouquet of Flowers is again on display. I have donated the flowers to the church, next year will be the 70th anniversary and the flowers will be sold to add to church funds. 

I cannot express how grateful I am for all the flowers sent to me. At the time life was quite tough for me and the world, the Bouquet of Flowers brought so much joy and is still doing so, thank you.

We haven't visited the festival this year as we are busy with wedding preparations. Our daughter's wedding is on Tuesday, in Wales not here, so we have bags and boxes of things needed. 

We did however visit the churchyard today to put wedding flowers on my Dad's grave and my Grandparents grave. 

We also went to Coventry to put flowers on DH's parents grave, so all the Grandparents no longer with us will be joining in the celebrations. 

My Mum is still in hospital, although she would not have been able to travel to the wedding, so I put together a wedding heart for her to hang kn the day. I also gave her and my step-dad a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine so they can celebrate too.

We were not the only visitors at the churchyard, Dad already had quite a crowd hee hee

Thank you again for the beautiful flowers, I'm hoping to be soon back to stitching and in blog land.


  1. The flower tree looks wonderful.
    It's sad to see loved ones pass , but nice to put flowers down and think of the good times . Hugs June.

  2. Hello Clare: The Floer Festival Tree is lovely what a grand idea.
    I find it hard to visit grave sites, it breaks my heart that a loved one is gone from this earth.
    Congratulations on your daughter's wedding I hope all flows well and they have beautiful weather for their special day.


  3. I’m so pleased the flowers are having another outing and will be raising some money for charity too.
    I love how you’ve made sure everyone is included in the celebrations. When I got married, I gave my bouquet to my MIL to put on her husband’s grave the next day.
    It’s so important to visit and keep the area looking nice. We walk round the local churchyard sometimes and stand up the vases that have fallen over!
    Looking forward to hearing about the wedding celebrations! I do love a wedding.

  4. I'm so glad to see the flowers again! I hope they are able to raise a lot of funds for your church! What a lovely thing to do, taking flowers to those who won't be able to make it to the wedding, I'm sure they will be missed. We had a table with framed pictures of those who had passed before our son's wedding. Many blessings to you and your family on the wedding day!!

  5. Great to see that tree "flowering" again! So nice flowers for your visit to your loved one to share this wonderful celebration. xxx

  6. It was nice seeing the flower tree again. Congratulations to your daughter and her husband.

  7. The flowers are beautiful Clare! I am sure they will raise plenty of funds for your church.

    How sweet of you to included the grandparents both the living and the ones that have passed. Their wedding bouquets look fabulous. I think the wedding was today and I hope it went off beautifully.

  8. Pretty flower collection.
    It would be nice if a lot of funds were collected for the church.
    Even thought you are very busy, you have not forgotten to take care of your ancestors.I don't take it for granted, so I respect your consideration and kindness. Your daughter’s wedding must have been wonderful with blessings from ancestors and those who could not attend.

  9. Such a lovely flower tree and how nice for others to be able to purchase them.
    What a beautiful way to remember those who are no longer with us and a sweet way for your Mom and step-Dad to celebrate.
    Looking forward to seeing some photos?!

  10. So nice to see the flower tree and lovely that they'll help the church too. I hope the wedding went well and I love the idea of having flowers on all the grave markers. That is a wonderful thought. Hope you're staying healthy and love the ideas for your mom too!


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