Tuesday 17 October 2023

Gifted Gorgeousness in October

The 15th of each month means it's Gifted Gorgeousness time, the time each month when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted.

This great idea is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching,  if you visit her blog you'll find the links to everyone's Gifted Gorgeousness posts. Thank you Jo for hosting another year of GG, it's great fun posting and reading and keeps me visiting blogland! 

My stitched gifts this month have been seen in my Fully Finished Objects post but it's always good to look again. They are the coaster mat I stitched for Hubby's aunt who turned 90 in September and the six Christmas ornaments I sent to Catherine for the Ronald McDonald House. 

I received some lovely charts and threads for my birthday from my good friend Gill. I'm hoping to stitch them next year along with some other long awaited projects. 

I had a lovely birthday, early September, with a little trip away to see Kynren show in Yorkshire. It was just after the wedding so felt like the celebrations went on for many days. September has been quite busy in lots of ways so our holiday in Turkey last week was perfect to relax and recharge, and is why I'm late posting. 

The hotel reception manager has been so good to us over the 9 years we have been going, again this year she sorted perfect rooms for us and our friends. It's her birthday in October so I stitched a coaster for her, she was delighted and amazed at the stitches. 

My final few photos are not stitchy gifts, they are the best gift you can receive.... memories! 

The official wedding photos have arrived, here's a couple of my favourites.

When I first saw my beautiful daughter in her dress

Hubby's turn to see our little girl all grown up

A very proud Dad

My handsome son, my escort into the wedding

Hubby, me, our son and his girlfriend 

Mr and Mrs Lang

The confetti was dried roses from our and local friends' gardens

Hubby's speech

Cake cutting time

Philippa had a second dress for the evening

What an amazing day🎉


  1. Clare: What a beautiful Bride and lovely wedding photos, you look beautiful and your husband looks so handsom.
    Thank-you for sharing the photos with us.


  2. Wow what wonderful wedding pictures , you all look so happy and beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely family .
    Love the stitching to, have a lovely weekend hugs June.

  3. The Muriel stitching is lovely and Christmas ornies always so cute. So much happy to see those amazing wedding photos, thanks to invite us too! Lot of hugs to all the family. xxx

  4. what wonderful photos You all look so beautiful and happy.

  5. It looks like an amazing day! Everyone looked so beautiful. Your dress was gorgeous and I love your hat!

  6. I loved seeing your daughter's beautiful wedding photos, Clare! What a happy day for all. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Really beautiful bride.
    You, your husband, and your family are wonderful. It's a wonderful wedding filled with so much love.
    Thank you for sharing.
    I feel happy too.
    And I wish you a very belated birthday.🙌


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