Tuesday 16 April 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness April 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. GG, on the 15th of each month, is when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted. If you visit Jo's blog you'll find the links to everyone's Gifted Gorgeousness posts, thanks Jo.

I'm starting this month's GG with items I've already posted about, namely my Rose and Ghoulash ornaments made from mini kits I received many years ago. The kits were for hangings but I prefer ornaments even though it was tricky to finish them. My third reshow is also an ornament, an upcycling from a Christmas card.

I haven't stitched much of my Biscornu but I am enjoying it, the blue is lovely to do. I am hoping to focus on this in May once we are back from our upcoming holiday.

I have already shown in Gifted Gorgeousness the lovely Santas that DJ sent me but I have now fully finished them so here they are in all their glory. They are so lovely, thank you DJ.

I had great fun with this year's Easter Exchange with Needlecraft Haven. This year we had to stitch an Easter card and send it with some Easter coloured thread. I received a lovely stitched card from Mary, an Eiffel egg. Mary sent some delicious After Eight mini eggs and threads named Eggshell, Daffodil and Iris. I will be upcycling Mary's card.

My Exchange parcel went to Gill and as I like cards to have an after use I made an ornament card. I included some Jelly Babies Chicks with the threads, the photo is Gill's as I forgot to take one before I sent the parcel.

Just after Easter the postman bought a surprise Easter card from Gill, it's so cute and will also be upcycled.

Thanks Jo for hosting another month of Gifted Gorgeousness and thank you to everyone who calls by, I really do appreciate it and your comments.


  1. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, the exchange is always good for this event! I love the Ghoulash ornament, such fun!

  2. Hi Clare, You have been really busy. I love all of your ornaments and they will look really wonderful on the Christmas tree. It is really nice you do them for charity. I love the Easter card you received; I love the Eifel Tower. Your stitching is always really beautiful.

  3. Ooooh all your ornaments look great! Those Easter cards are all adorable too! You made my Santa's look so much better! You've been super busy with your stitching! I hope you have a fabulous holiday...I can't wait to see more of your biscornu! Happy Stitching!

  4. Lovely post , Love all the stitching .
    Hugs June.

  5. Hello Clare.Just cute ornaments.The ribbon on the ornament is cute too.😊
    Santa Claus looks proud.🧑‍🎄
    It's nice and fun to send cards to each other.
    Happy stitch.😊


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