Monday 1 April 2024

WIPocalypse March

Yesterday was check in day for Melissa's WIPocalypse  but as it was Easter Sunday I'm checking in today. 

I did work on my tablecloth and managed to turn another corner. I will not be doing any more until later this month. We are going on a 14 day cruise and I'll be taking my tablecloth as all I need is perle 8 and 12, needle, scissors and my tablecloth, easy to pack! 

Last month the challenge was to stitch ever day but I didn't quite manage it. 2024 has not been that good so far; my Mum is unwell and now having palative care at home, I've had a terrible back ache and the meds from my doc upset my stomach - to top it all we have had three months of rain so I haven't been in the garden even for a coffee. 

On a brighter note it is 4 years today since I had my lumpectomy and my surgeon removed all the cancer cells ... even with a rough start to this year I am so grateful that I'm still here.

So moving back to stitching my daily stitching was to finish my embroidery sampler. The site has been archived but each stitch tutorial is still on YouTube. I'm nearly there, just have the outer ring to do.

This month's question is about threads and colours. I have a full set of DMC plus spares that I keep in my DMC drawers.

I do prefer to stitch with DMC, I have tried Anchor but just didn't get on with it. My favourite colours are rose hues, DMC 223 and 224.

Next month it's all about new designers ... a good excuse for a bit of browsing and maybe shopping.


  1. Lots of colour going on looks wonderful,hugs June.

  2. Everything looks great. I love the sampler and how good it looks.

    The tablecloth also looks good!!

    Enjoy your cruise!

  3. Hello Clare: I am so sorry your Mother is not feeling well, I hope she gets better care.
    Your table cloth is lovely, nice progress.
    The Sampler is lovely also, I love the different stitches'.
    Love your DMC box, I am a fan of DMC the longest living threads are the best, they take the cake, I rarely use specialty threads. I have a DMC full thread collection, love the threads.
    Have fun on your cruise.



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