Friday 19 April 2024

ISHW April 2024

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend is based on Facebook, hosted by Jo, Joyce, Ee Koon and Bonnie IHSW on Facebook

I'm enjoying being part of IHSW and seeing everyone's progress from stitchers around the world.

My tablecloth was originally a Round Robin in 2010 and was on the theme of the four seasons. It's been in my UFO bag for years. 

This is where I was at the end of March IHSW.

I have packed my tablecloth for our cruise and I'm hoping to stitch across the sea, hopefully I will have stitched all the border by the time we are home. I'm going to say our cruise is an extended IHSW as I will be focus stitching most days especially sea days.


  1. Hi Clare: I bet it feels good to have this close to the finish line, I am looking forward to seeing it finished.
    Have an amazing day.


  2. Have a lovely trip, and enjoy your stitching, Hugs June.


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