Friday 28 August 2020

August - Smalls SAL

I love Mary's great blog sharing idea, this is my first year taking part and as the months have progressed so have I.

The SAL is all about small stitching, any little project you have stitched, it doesn't have to be fully finished. Here's the full details about Small SAL 2020 - thank you Mary.

This last month I have not been in blogland very much, apologises to all my friends. I now have my chemotherapy weekly and life seems to be in a bit of a haze. Last week my blood count was low so I have a week of rest and no treatment, it's so nice to feel a bit normal. I'm hoping to catch up on everyone's news soon. 

I have been stitching a lot more as my arm is now useable. I have been discharged from the fracture doctor as my bones have healed but I have lots of physio to do as I cannot yet lift it above the horizontal, good job stitching is a lap activity hee hee. 

I have caught up with my Lizzie Kate Monthly Flip Its, in fact I have finished September too. 

I have also managed to catch up with the Stitching the Night Away SAL with the lovely members of Needlecraft Haven. They have been a lifeline over recent times, a very special group of ladies.

I've been looking through my craft boxes and trying to use up a few bits. I have already made a couple of Christmas gifts and have ideas for a few more as well as thank you / birthday gifts. They are all smalls so I'll have plenty to share in future SAL posts although of course not until they have been given. 

I have received some beautiful flowers for my bouquet, thank you Jane, DJ and Nadine your flowers are lovely. I'll be sharing them in next month's Gifted Gorgeousness and once finished I'll post in Rachel's Fully Finished Gallery. 

Thank you for visiting today, I'll call by your blogs later when it's coffee time. 


  1. The Flip Its are so sweet! Just love them. :)

  2. It's good news that your arm has healed well, Clare. I imagine that with the chemo treatment it can be hard having the energy to do your physio exercises at times.
    You are doing well keeping up with your monthly flip-its and the Stitching the Night away SAL. I didn't make it past the first month on the latter :)

  3. So glad you are able to still stitch, Clare with all you have had to deal with this year. Love the little Flip-Its and how nice to be a few days ahead of the game with your September finish :) Take good care now...

  4. How wonderful that you are stitching again! The Flip-its are a great series.
    I started a flower for you at last.

  5. The flip it's are such fun patterns and I have not forgotten about stitching a flower for you. I've hardly been stitching as life has been hectic but I will get one out to you. Be well...Mary

  6. Glad your arm is doing better. Great job catching up on your smalls! I love each and everyone!

  7. Dear Clare, I'm so happy you can stitch again. I love all of the patterns you chose. I know exactly how theblood counts go...we have had many weeks when treatment had to be postponed. Actually some rest from chemo is a good thing and can make you feel better. YOu are in my thoughts and prayers my friend. RJ

  8. Glad you're able to stitch again Clare. The flip its are lovely

  9. The flip it’s look great Clare!
    Barbara xx


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