Sunday 6 September 2020

Let the People Choose - September


The first Saturday of the month is Jo's of Serendipitous Stitching  blog sharing time for Let the People Choose . I'm really enjoying looking at past projects to find related work, this month is Geometric.  

I am currently working on a Geometric project with the members of Needlecraft Haven. We are doing Stitching the Night Away's SAL from 2019, stitching a block per month. This is my work so far, I have nearly finished Block 9 (I haven't pressed it yet) 

A couple of my blocks were stitched left handed at the time my right arm was mending, it is nice to stitch normally again. I have stitched them on one piece of fabric and have decided what to do with the finished piece but for now that's a secret. 

My other Geometric project for this post is Mabel Figworthy's Mystery SAL I did a few years ago. I enjoy doing hardanger and it was great fun to learn a few more stitches. There are 12 designs but I can only find photos of 9, I think I'm missing a few early ones. 

I loved seeing them all on the line drying. They are now in my stash as a wip to be finished, I need to use the sewing machine but just now that's a little bit adventurous. I am hoping to use it by the end of the year and this SAL can be finally completed. 

Thanks Jo for another great blog theme, thank you everyone for calling by. 


  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. How perfectly the theme matched your latest SAL! Nice to see Mabel's designs again too.

  2. Love all your stitching on the line .
    Have a good week.

  3. Great photo of the blocks hanging on the line. I"m always so impressed with hardanger projects. They are lovely!

  4. Clare: They are lovely, I too like seeing them hanging on your line, nice designs, I am looking forward as to how you finish them.


  5. It's always nice to see some hardanger. Your Stitching the Night Away blocks look 'different' (I'm stuck for a suitable word) when seeing them all together on your fabric.

  6. Oh, that is just lovely, Clare--hardanger has always terrified me, but I really should get braver and give it a try :)

  7. Your Hardanger piece is lovely. I really like it. I enjoy Hardanger too but have only done a little! I should do more!

  8. Your Stitching the Night Away sampler is so pretty!! I love the hardanger one too!! Can't wait to see how you finish this year's!

  9. I'm always attracted to Geometric designs, your SAL is very beautiful.Wow the Hardanger looks beautiful.

  10. Great stitching Clare, and I love the picture of them all hanging on the line

  11. Lovely stitching Clare!
    One day I would like to stitch Hardanger, but I don’t think it will be just yet!
    Your blocks look lovely hanging on the line!
    Barbara xx


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