Monday 18 December 2023

Advent Calendar Blog Hop - take two

It's my turn again in the annual Advent Calendar Blog Hop organised by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. Sadly this year Jo didn't have enough bloggers sign up so she has been doing extra days, I offered to do another so here's my Advent Calendar Blog Hop take two!

If you visit Jo's blog you can follow the Advent Blog each day and read everyone's Santa stories. I have already shared mine on day 14 so this time my story is about Father Christmas' gifts.

When I was young my stocking always had an apple, orange and small bag of nuts in. They were always at the very bottom hee hee

Our son who is a sound sleeper would never sleep the night before his birthday or Christmas. Father Christmas has had to revisit his room as sometimes he was still awake at 2am. He would always wake up early too (5am was late for him) so he was allowed to open one present before we all got up when stockings were brought into our room and our bed soon buried in ripped wrapping paper. 

As we all know Father Christmas is a very clever person, the top gift on our son's stocking was always a book which kept him quiet until proper morning.

I have already shared my Christmas exchange stitching and my other Christmas stitching is still a surprise so I'll show again the ornament I made our daughter and new husband for their tree this year, and the one I made in 2019 for their first Christmas together.

Hubby and I have had coughs/colds for a month now. It meant I couldn't visit my Mum  when she was in hospital and have only called by once since she's been home. Mum has LPD and is on permanent oxygen. On Friday Hubby and I decided to not go out for his birthday (21st) or join in the parties at the scout HQ this coming weekend so it would be safer for Mum to come to us for Christmas dinner. We haven't really been out anyway as we have both felt unwell. 

Yesterday DH tested positive for Covid, I was negative. We've both had the latest vaccinations and DH doesn't feel too unwell, mainly cold like symptoms. Unless we are both negative from Saturday our Christmas will be delayed .... oh well, just another blip in our lives, fingers crossed it all works out ok. 


  1. Beautiful ornaments , love the backs to.
    Sorry your not feeling to well , it's that time of the year for catching things.
    Maybe by Christmas you will feel better , hugs June.

  2. Sorry you've not been well and that your husband has co
    vid, not something you want this close to Christmas! Fingers crossed you will not have to delay Christmas. Take care x

  3. Merry Christmas Clare and Family: Love your ornaments so sweet, so sorry you are both feeling a bit under the weather.


  4. Love your ornie to the happy couple, so cute! Hope you'll get well soon. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! Bisous.

  5. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop a second time!
    Lovely ornaments and the story is funny too. My parents always put a comic in the top of our stockings for the same reason!

  6. I't kind of sad there were so few participants for the Advent Calendar this year, isn't it? Thank you for taking another turn!
    A gift as an early present to keep your son quietly occupied is such a smart idea! That would have worked on me too at that age. It probably still works today!
    So sorry to hear you have been unwell and your husband even caught covid now. It really is going around again. Hope you will feel better soon!

  7. Oh dear. I hope you can still see your Mum. I just had COVID a couple weeks ago and wasn't as bad as last time, so hope DH recovers quickly. Lovely ornaments!

  8. Pretty ornaments and so nicely finished, Hope you are all better soon, Happy Christmas.

  9. Sounds like your son was determined not to sleep on the important eves. Glad you found a work around with him. Two nice ornaments for your daughter. Oh no, not the dreaded C word! I hope you don't come down with it too.

  10. I hope this Christmas day finds you and your hubby feeling much better. Likewise for your mum. Glad you're doing double duty for the blog hop; I told Jo that I can do 2 if she needs bloggers. I love the blog hops and would be sad if they ended. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!

  11. To this day, I have an orange in the toe of my stocking. It's been that way for 62 years now! Those are fun memories, hearing about your son and his Christmas morning antics! Your stitcheries are lovely, and that was so kind of you to fill in an extra day! I'm so sorry you and your DH were both feeling sickly prior to Christmas Day. I hope you're both feeling much better! And a very Happy New Year!! :)

  12. What fun, and a great idea to give him a book to keep him busy!
    I love the ornaments you made your daughter and son-in-law, they are adorable. I think I need to start that next year for our family.
    I'm so sorry to hear about you both feeling sick and then the dreaded covid, ugh.
    I hope you are both feeling better and can celebrate the new year healthy!


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