Sunday 10 December 2023

Fully Finished in December


Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, is the lovely host of Fully Finished Objects, it's been a super year of sharing and seeing everyone's finishes. It really is a super chance for us to show and tell about the crafty items we have completely finished and I'm looking forward to all the FFO's in 2024.

Thanks Rachel, your FFO prompt each month really helps me finish my projects instead of them still in my project folders and I do love seeing all the lovely projects that others have stitched. 

My final FFO of 2023 is not stitching but is stitchy related, although in some ways it isn't fully finished. 

Many years ago my Mum gifted me a beautiful DMC box that had previously been a display box for threads in a haberdashery shop. Sadly it lives under my dressing table and I haven't really used it.

I have decided to change that and have now lined each drawer, of course the paper I had wasn't the same size so it took some clever cutting ... the lined drawers are my FFO as I have been meaning to do this for many many years. So my project has not been sitting in a drawer ... it is the drawer 😂

One reason I have never used the drawers is because the skeins are slightly short and slide around. I bought some stitch bows for a project but I'm not keen on them, where do you put spare thread! However they are perfect size for a full skein so I am slowly buying a few at a time and putting my spare threads on them in the drawers. 

I am sure there will be space in the lower drawers for my speciality threads although I won't be using the stitch bows but hopefully they will be ok. 

Thanks again Rachel for a great year of Fully Finished Objects.


  1. This is fantastic! Nice to see it in use.

  2. What a beautiful box and very nice to see it in use too.

  3. It is a beautiful cabinet Clare! What a great idea for storing your threads and it looks like it will hold many stitch bows. I like how the paper is different in each drawer.

  4. Magnifique ! I love those vintage wood box, nice to see you using one. My threads are in plastic pockets on those stitch bows I find awful to look at! I'm sure you'll find a way to keep your supplies. Great full finished drawers. xxx

  5. What a lovely way to store your left over threads! It's a beautiful box! I love how you have lined the drawers. Well done!

  6. Thank you for this wonderful entry in the FFG SAL this month. I reckon you have made a lot of people jealous by showing this box and am so glad you are able to use it for its intended purpose. Hopefully now it will love on, rather than under, your dressing table.

  7. How nice to take it out of its hiding spot and spruce it up! It looks great and a good idea adding the liners.


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