Wednesday 22 December 2021

Advent Blog Hop 2021 - Day 22

Blogland is a lovely place full of very clever stitchers and crafters, helping us all enjoy our blogs more is Jo from Serendipitous Stitching. She is amazing at organizing Gifted Gorgeousness every month and so many Blog Hops throughout the year. Christmas is time for the Advent Blog Hop, there have been some amazing posts each day, pop over to Jo's blog to discover them all: it's my turn for Day 22. 

Jo asked us to share some Christmas stitching and answer this year's question 'all about Christmas trees'. My stitching can be shared today as although it is a gift it has now been given. We are on holiday in the south of England with our son, daughter and her partner. Yesterday was Hubby's 60th birthday so we're here for a big celebration all together, you can read about his big day at Aimetu's - wine, food and travel, lots of photos!

Today we are having our Christmas Day as this year our daughter will be celebrating Christmas with her partner's family, they were with us last year so this year they are with his family. My stitching to share is a mistletoe humbug I stitched for them and by now they will have opened. It's a design by Faby Reilly and is the first humbug I have made. 

Christmas Trees? Well there is only one answer ... my church trees. Every year St Laurence's Church, Ansley holds a Christmas Tree Festival and for nearly every year since 2008 I have decorated a tree using a theme. St Laurence's is my family church, my Grandfather sang in the choir and was involved in the church all his life.

The Christmas Tree decorating began in 2008 when I used ornaments I had stitched and ornaments I had received from around the world. It was a tree admired by everyone with so many questions about my stitching. 

The following years took on different themes; 2009 was special as my late Dad came up with the theme, a clever play on words. Dad passed away in 2012 so it seemed perfect to do a Family Tree, a repeated this theme in 2016.

I have linked the tree caption to the original post if you'd like to know more about each tree. They are all wonderful and mean so much to me, especially the Bouquet of Flowers, thank you so much to everyone who helped me make such a beautiful tree. 

A Fine Needle Tree

I have loved doing each tree and will be doing another tree in 2022. I have a few ideas and I know many bloggers and stitchers have asked about helping again - look out for details in January. 

Thank you Jo for all you do for us, thank you to everyone for your comments they are very much appreciated. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„


  1. Wow! You make the best Christmas Trees! I tried to pick a favourite, but it was impossible. I really enjoyed my visit here today. Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar this year. The topic really was made for you! Now I have to go and visit each link to read more about them. I know I stitched for three of them. Four if we count both years of the flowers LOL
    I love the little humbug too. I hope they had a kis under the mistletoe when they opened it!

  3. those Christmas trees are so special. What do you/church do with the ornaments after the trees are taken down? Love them all. Happy you got time with your family.

  4. Merry Christmas! How fun it must be to pick a different theme every year.

  5. Lovely trees Claire, a lot of work went into organising them!
    Little bit sad I couldn’t see my flower on the tree in church ๐Ÿ˜ข but the rest look so beautiful! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ„
    Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas!
    Barbara xx

    1. Your flower is round the right side if the tree, it can be seen from the pews. I have emailed you a photo, Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„

  6. Lovely ornament and wonderful trees , love seeing them all.
    Have a fab Christmas hugs June.

  7. Oh my, your trees were all so amazing!! What a lovely post! The humbug is darling ... I've never seen one before. I'm very curious about it! Enjoy a Merry Christmas with your family!!! :)

  8. All of those tree are absolutely amazing, so many beautifully stitches pieces. What do you do with the ones from the previous years? I hope you display them at home?
    Happy Christmas!

  9. Clare: They are all such beautiful trees.

    Merry Christmas

  10. Joyeuses fรชtes de Noรซl ! So glad to see all those trees and happy to be part of this amazing event. Thanks for sharing and "welcoming" our stitchings. Grosses bises ร  toute la famille. xxx

  11. It's lovely to see each of your church trees through the years Clare.

  12. Beautiful trees Claire, how wonderful to enter a church and see such a display. I am late commenting as I was away over Xmas, so best wishes for the New Year.

  13. They are all such a wonderful trees!

  14. Wow, that topic was perfect for you, of course! All your trees are so pretty. Love your little humbug too!

  15. I love the mistletoe humbug! And your trees, oh my, what a legacy of love in stitches! They are simply beautiful! I imagine the congregation at church has enjoyed them immensely over the years!


Thank you for visiting Aimetu's Stitching - I love reading your comments, thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are very much appreciated, thank you x