Tuesday 1 March 2022

Topsy Turvy SAL - Summer (month two)


The theme of summer is for February and March so plenty of summer stitching. Last month I worked on my tablecloth and managed to do the edging up to summer. 

This month I have started to stitch Lizzie Kate's summer challenge. I have a bag of threads left over from kits so am using those up, it's great fun deciding which colour to use where.

It's great fun deciding which colour to use for which symbol of the chart. It doesn't seem to be reducing my threads bag though so I might start using these threads for other projects. I have the DMC colour chart so maybe I can work out which numbers they are, although I think one card is Anchor thread. 

This is my stitching so far, I can share my photo as because it's a double month stitch the Summer Gallery is already open in the Facebook group and at Needlecraft Haven. 

I'll be making this into an ornament ready to hang on my tree for summer celebrations. Happy summer stitching. 


butterfly said...

Lovely Summer stitching , looks like you are enjoying it .

Carol said...

Your summer piece is so sweet, Clare--certainly showcases the colors of that season!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a lovely little Summer design, great way to use up the scraps of threads too.

Maggie said...

You are so organised with your stitching Claire! Hoping you have a great stitchy March. x

Rachel said...

This is a sweet little design, and a great way of using up those left-over bits of thread. Love your colour choices so far. The cocktail looks very inviting! ;)

Mary's Thread said...

A very pretty summertime stitch which you can enjoy on display in a few months!